Free, virtual exercise classes for persons living with HIV and aged 50+ can help improve your strength, balance and overall fitness. Sign up for evidence-based exercise programs offered through CJE SeniorLife’s Research Institute through two grants provided by the Administration for Community Living. All classes begin the week of January 10, 2022. The Zoom links will be sent on the morning of the first day of each class registered.
- Registration form to sign up to attend classes
- Details of the exercise classes are listed in the PDFs for each of the five types of class offerings and include:
- OTAGO– Classes are specifically geared for persons living with HIV, members of the LGBTQ community, and their friends and allies. Appropriate for a variety of fitness levels, these classes will also provide health education on topics specific for the community.
- Healthy Moves– 30-minute classes focused on 17 strength and balance exercises. There are two versions of this class: low Impact and high Impact.
- Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL)– Classes focus on performing exercises that improve strength, balance and fitness. Modifiable for all fitness levels.
- Bingocize®– 10-week exercise program to increases fitness, health knowledge, and social engagement.
- Tai Chi– These classes help with balance, joint pain from arthritis, walking, and stress relief.
These evidence-based exercise classes are packaged, ready-to-go programs and have been:
- Developed and researched in controlled settings
- Published in a peer-review journal
- Shown to have positive benefits for participants
- Translated so they can be adopted by community organizations
- Delivered by certified instructors
- Shown to have high retention rates
- Engaging to participants
- Designed with fidelity and sustainability strategies
See the Evidence Based Exercise Programs PDF for more details. To learn more about these evidence-based exercise programs, review these links: Bingocize, Stay Active & Independent for Life (SAIL), Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention, and Otago/Healthy Moves.
Contact Andy Rapoport, project manager, with any questions or concerns (andy.rapoport@cje.net). For more information about CJE SeniorLife, visit www.cje.net.