Date(s) - 07/24/2019
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Greenbelt Cultural Center
The Summit of Hope is a community expo, bringing together local service providers to create a “one-stop” environment for invited parolees and probationers to obtain necessary assistance to move past barriers, which may prevent an individual from leading a successful life. The Summit of Hope is a proven Illinois Department of Corrections and Illinois Department of Public Health sanctioned program, independently organized in individual communities throughout the state. These events are helped tremendously by the participation and generosity of each hosting community.
The mission of the Summit of Hope is to guide and assist parolees and probationers with available services to better ensure reintegration into the community and thus reduce recidivism. This approach is not only a very time-efficient way to reach a high-risk population, but it also provides added value by meeting the many needs of those who have recently been released. These individuals are trying to become productive members of their communities, and the services available to them will often be the difference between success and failure. The objective of each event is to give “Hope” to those who may have lost it.
The Illinois Department of Corrections Summit of Hope expos are instrumental in helping create safer communities. A crime-free life for ex-offenders translates into safer communities for all.