The April 19 Illinois HIV Integrated Planning Council (IHIPC) webinar meeting will include presentations and time for questions and discussion on: 1) Demonstrating the linkage between the state’s 2018 Ryan White Care grant workplan and budget to the Illinois Integrated Plan for HIV Care and Prevention and 2) Addressing the Illinois opioid epidemic.
The meeting will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Registration is required prior to the meeting: http://ihipc.org/Apr1918_webmtg_reg
After registering, each participant will receive an email confirmation notice with instructions for logging into the webinar and information about how to access meeting documents and materials, including the presentation slides, that will be posted closer to the meeting date. When available, the documents can also be accessed directly at the following link: http://ihipc.org/Apr1918_webmtg_docs
Those wishing to make a public comment relevant to HIV planning during the designated time on the meeting agenda can submit a request at the following link: http://ihipc.org/Apr1918_webmtg_comment
Here are a few other important instructions about the webinar connection itself:
- The call-in information and access code will be included on the email confirmation notice, so please save that to your calendar.
- It is preferable to call into the meeting via phone rather than using a computer microphone. It is also preferable to use a land line phone (less interference and better connection) rather than a mobile phone for the audio connection.
- After joining the webinar, each participant will be shown a 2-digit audio pin to enter on the telephone connection. It is critical to enter that audio pin because without doing that, meeting organizers won’t be able to mute and unmute participants should they have comments or questions for the presenters.
- Participants will have the ability to type in a comment or question via the chat feature on the webinar, but meeting organizations prefer to hear voices, when able, to stimulate meaningful discussion.
All these details and more will be explained further at the start of the webinar. Should you have any problems with registration or joining the webinar, please contact Scott Fletcher, our website/webinar administrator, at admin@ihipc.org or scott.fletcher@tcapinc.org.
Please see the agenda for session times, presenters, and further information.