E. St. Louis – VIBES and PrEP: Two Essential Interventions for Young Black MSM

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Date(s) - 11/15/2016 - 11/16/2016
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

East St. Louis Public Library

The Illinois Public Health Association, through funding from the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Center for Minority Health Services, is pleased to announce a free training, “VIBES and PrEP: Two Essential Interventions for Young Black MSM,” to be held in East St. Louis next month. The training will be held November 15-16, 2016 at the East St. Louis Public Library, Region 4.

VIBES is a six-session group-level HIV prevention intervention for young, African-American MSM and PrEP is a biomedical HIV prevention strategy that involves HIV-negative individuals taking the oral antiretroviral medication Truvada daily to prevent the acquisition of HIV.

Please see the link below for registration information for this free event. Registration is required by November 10, 2016.
