Date(s) - 08/23/2016 - 08/25/2016
All Day
Sangamon County Health Department
The Illinois Department of Public Health STD Program (ISP) is pleased to announce a three-day, introductory STD/HIV Prevention Counselor training course; the course will be conducted August 23, 24, and 25, 2016 at the Sangamon County Health Department located at 2833 South Grand Avenue East, Springfield, IL 62703.
The training focuses on STD and HIV prevention counseling using a client-centered approach. This training is also available to staff at community-based organizations that receive HIV funds. Attached is a tentative agenda. Staff of local health departments should attend this workshop if they counsel STD clients and have not previously participated in a comparable workshop. As a prerequisite to the workshop, participants will complete the CDC’s STD Employee Development Guide [Passport to Partner Services]. The link to the online training is Click on the Register Now button, then click I want to Browse all Modules.
Registration for new counselor training can be done electronically by copying and pasting or typing the link into your Web browser. Click on the Register Now button on the web page. You will receive an electronic confirmation of your registration at the e-mail address you used to register. The third week of August you will also receive, electronically, the presentations that will be used during the training. Paper copies of the presentations will not be distributed during the training. You are welcome to make copies of the presentations to bring to the training for taking notes. The registration deadline is August 15, 2016.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Northfield Inn and Suites. The hotel is located at 3280 Northfield Drive, Springfield 62702; phone number (217) 523-7900. The rate is $70.00 plus tax for a room. When reserving a room indicate that you will be attending the IDPH STD/HIV New Counselor Training. Hotel Reservations must be made by August 8, 2016.
No meals or refreshments are provides as a part of the training. There are vending machines at the training site for purchase of snacks/drinks and many close choices for lunches.
If you have questions concerning the training, please call Lesli Choat in the IDPH STD Program at (217) 782-2747.