National LGBTQ Health Conference, Chicago and Online

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Date(s) - 07/28/2022 - 07/30/2022
5:00 pm - 4:15 pm

We have a truly fantastic lineup of speakers, poster presenters, plenary sessions, and networking opportunities. View and download the program here.

Register here.

So, what are we MOST EXCITED for this July?

  • Admiral Rachel L. Levine, M.D., Assistant Secretary for Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will join the conference virtually to offer opening remarks.
  • Renowned psychologist Lisa Diamond, Ph.D.will deliver the conference keynote, “Rethinking Minority Stress: A Social Safety Perspective on the Health Effects of Stigma in Sexually-Diverse and Gender-Diverse Populations.”
  • Our LGBTQ Focus: Mental Health and Wellbeing Plenary will bring together Drs. Ulrike Boehmer, Darnell Motley, John Pachankis, and Ayden Scheim for a research- and practice-driven conversation about one of the most pressing health concerns affecting LGBTQ young people and adults today. (And this is just one of our plenaries!)
  •  The pre-conference grant writing workshop with the NIH Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office on July 28 is an absolute MUST for graduate students, postdocs, and early career researchers.
  • An incredible 100 oral presentations feature our most diverse slate of LGBTQ health research ever. Just a few of the session topics of note include Trans Health in Practice, Healthcare Encounters and Settings, Violence and Suicidal Ideation, LGBTQ Adolescent Health, Chronic Conditions, Family Planning and Parenting, and Bisexual Health.
  • More than 100 poster presenters will share their current research in sessions dedicated to HIV and STI Research, LGBTQ Research Using Novel Measures and Methods, Substance Use, Transgender Health Research, LGBTQ Lifespan Research, and Harm and Healing in LGBTQ Populations, among others.
  • And, of course, networking opportunities abound at the Opening Reception, lunches (included with registration), and the Friday evening THRIVE Center social.
  • Plus, Chicago is home to top-notch LGBTQ-focused restaurants, bars, and shops. (We’ll be delighted to give you our recommendations.)