Elgin – VIBES and PrEP: Two Essential Interventions for Young Black MSM

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Date(s) - 11/03/2016 - 11/04/2016
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Open Door Health Center of Illinois

The Illinois Public Health Association, through funding from the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Center for Minority Health Services, is pleased to announce a free training, “VIBES and PrEP: Two Essential Interventions for Young Black MSM,” to be held Nov. 3-4 at the Open Door Health Center of Illinois in Elgin.

VIBES is a six-session group-level HIV prevention intervention for young, African-American MSM and PrEP is a biomedical HIV prevention strategy that involves HIV-negative individuals taking the oral antiretroviral medication Truvada daily to prevent the acquisition of HIV.

Please see the link below for registration information for this free event.
