Statewide Partners:
Good Evening! On behalf of the Illinois Ryan White Part B ADAP-MAP Program, I am writing to provide an update related to the ongoing strategies resulting from continued pharmacy closures occurring statewide. Illinois ADAP-MAP and our dispensing pharmacy, CVS Specialty (CVS-S), continue to monitor this dynamic situation and wish to provide the follow information:
- CVS-S continues to monitor CVS Retail Pharmacy closures multiple times throughout the day and immediately informs the Illinois Department of Public Health. The Ryan White Data Team takes those pharmacy closure reports and conducts cross-matching quality controls to ensure continuity of service delivery for our clients. CVS-S has also confirmed that its corporate office has worked with those “closed” pharmacies to have their telephone numbers transferred to the next closest “open” pharmacy to assist clients’ prescription fills. This step ensures that when a client calls their neighborhood pharmacy that is closed, the call is immediately transferred to the nearest open pharmacy that will assist them with medication fills.
- CVS-S has confirmed that it was able to contact all identified ADAP clients (127), except 9, and has affirmed these clients have either successfully picked up their medications from the pharmacies or CVS-S is actively working with clients to arrange alternative delivery destinations that are safe and secure.
- Department staff have also been working with CVS-S to provide current alternate telephone numbers for the 9 remaining clients. In addition, the Department is confirming if any of the clients are assigned a case manager and then reaching out to case managers to ensure communication is delivered these remaining 9 individuals.
- The Department and CVS-S remind everyone that some neighborhood pharmacies may be impacted by “curfews” and ADAP clients may need to be aware of alternate hours of operation to prevent arriving at the pharmacy only to find it closed.
- In addition, the Department and CVS-S are sensitive that some clients may be living in neighborhoods that are experiencing safety concerns. Therefore, they may not wish to have their medications delivered to their homes or many not feel safe to leave their homes to pick up medications at their open neighborhood pharmacy. Please know that CVS-S customer service staff stands ready to support those individuals to setup other destination sites that will meet their needs.
- Finally, the Department has provided approval to CVS-S to conduct replacement shipments when appropriate; and to allow early refills for those clients that are living within impacted neighborhoods. The Department has informed CVS-S that these special approvals will remain in effect until June 30, 2020, and will be revisited if needed at that time.
- The Department wishes to provide one key takeaway point for our clients and those supporting them at this time:
- If you have any questions or concerns, call the CVS-S Center of Excellence Customer Service Hotline at 1-800-498-2037.
CVS-S Customer Service Representatives can address any questions and medication delivery needs.
- If you have any questions or concerns, call the CVS-S Center of Excellence Customer Service Hotline at 1-800-498-2037.
If there are any questions related to this update, please do not hesitate to reach out to Illinois ADAP-MAP at DPH.ProvideHelp@illinois.gov for assistance and support.
Please be safe and well, and know your Illinois ADAP team and its contract pharmacy is here to support all our clients and partners during this unprecedented time!
Thank you
Jeffrey P. Maras, Ed.D., M.S.
Illinois Department of Public Health