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COUCH Health is a global creative health engagement agency dedicated to making clinical studies more diverse, inclusive, and accessible to all individuals. COUCH is seeking individuals in the U.S. living with HIV and their caregivers (family members, care partners, community health workers) from marginalised ethnic groups to join an anonymous online collaborative platform to discuss topics related to their lived experiences with the condition. Participants’ insights will help ensure that the materials created for an upcoming HIV clinical trial are accessible, relevant and inclusive for individuals living with HIV from marginalised ethnic groups.

Participation requires 15 minutes per day over a 5-day period, at your convenience, and a reimbursement of $20 per day.

Would you be interested in taking part? If so, please complete the survey below to register your interest:

If you know people who might be interested in taking part, we would appreciate it if you could share the information and survey with your network.