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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend vaccination for people who have been exposed to monkeypox and people who may be more likely to get monkeypox.
People more likely to get monkeypox include:
– People who have been identified by public health officials as a contact of someone with monkeypox
– People who are aware that one of their sexual partners in the past 2 weeks has been diagnosed with monkeypox
– People who had multiple sexual partners in the past 2 weeks in an area with known monkeypox
– People whose jobs may expose them to orthopoxviruses, such as laboratory workers who perform testing for orthopoxviruses, laboratory workers who handle cultures or animals with orthopoxviruses, or some designated healthcare or public health workers
Supplies of the monkeypox vaccine may be limited in some areas. If you are in one of the categories above and would like to be vaccinated, contact your personal doctor or your local public health department.