Statewide Partners:
Good evening, I hope this email finds everyone doing well and remaining safe during these challenging times. I am writing tonight to provide action step updates taken by the Illinois ADAP-MAP Program and its contracted dispensing pharmacy, CVS Specialty (CVS-S). As a result of the current community unrest happening statewide, as well as nationally, Illinois ADAP-MAP has been working closely with CV-S to address those CVS Retail Stores that had to close due to safe precautions. These CVS Retail Pharmacies are classified in the CVS Corporate system as in a “closed status”. Some of these identified pharmacies may in fact be destination sites for Illinois ADAP-MAP client medication delivery. To this end, I want to share steps CVS-S and Illinois ADAP-MAP have employed to address our client cohort how may be impacted:
- CVS-S has already placed an alert flag on all client accounts that have medications shipped to a CVS Retail Pharmacy within Illinois that have been identified and listed on their “closed status” report. This alert flag was placed on all accounts beginning Friday, May 29, 2020. If a current client has or will call the CVS-S Hotline (1-800-498-2037) the client will be notified by the representative that their regular shipment site is “closed” and will be assisted with securing a safe alternate delivery location of their choosing. CVS-S Response Team Representative will assist clients with finding a safe alternate location for medication shipment.
- CVS-S has also confirmed that currently no Illinois ADAP-MAP client has medication shipments that are in a status of “lost” or “in-route” to a closed CVS Retail Pharmacy statewide. This means that either a client’s medication has not been shipped or their medication is already been delivered and is currently housed within the “closed” pharmacy. This news is wonderful as it allows the Program and CVS-S to provide clear direction outlined below.
- CVS-S has confirmed that 127 Illinois ADAP-MAP clients have been identified as being potentially impacted due to their medications being housed within a closed pharmacy.
- CVS-S Response Team is currently initiating telephone contact with all 127 identified Illinois ADAP-MAP clients to determine if they have either already picked up their medications or if a “replacement shipment” is required. If in fact a replacement shipment is needed, the representative will work with client for a secure/safe alternative location for medication shipment. If CVS-S telephone number on record is not in service CVS-S will reach out to the Illinois ADAP-MAP Program for an alternate telephone number for the representative to contact.
- Illinois ADAP-MAP has already confirmed with CVS-S that the Program will approve replacement shipments for those clients needing immediate medication replacement. CVS-S has confirmed they will coordinate the return shipment of medications that are housed within the closed pharmacy to CVS-S at no cost to the Program.
- Finally, CVS-S has already provided Illinois ADAP-MAP with the current list of “closed” pharmacies statewide, and the Program’s Data Team is conducting a cross-match within the Provide Enterprise data system to ensure a quality check of impacted clients. If the Program finds any discrepancies with CVS-S, then the Program will notify CVS-S for resolution.
- Illinois ADAP-MAP will work with CVS-S daily to monitor any new CVS Retail Pharmacies that may be added to the “closed” list, and ensure all appropriate client outreach is conducted in accordance to guidance provided above.
If there are any questions related to this update please do not hesitate to reach out to Illinois ADAP-MAP at DPH.ProvideHelp@illinois.gov for assistance and support.
Thank you,
Jeffrey P. Maras, Ed.D., M.S.
Illinois Department of Public Health