By Matt Simonette
SPRINGFIELD — Jeffery Erdman and Michael Maginn, both officials with the Illinois Public Health Association (IPHA), are working hard to make sure that providers, advocates and community members across the entirety of Illinois know about PrEP resources.
Erdman, IPHA’s assistant director for programs and compliance, said that the PrEP intervention had been on the agency’s radar for about five years.
“We have been working with all of our providers, building PrEP clinics at their sites or, if they can’t build them, hopefully they can make referrals to providers in their communities who are prescribing PrEP.” He added, “We’ve done a ton of work—we’ve been to Rockford [for example], all the way down to Murphysboro, in Jackson County in southern Illinois.”
Read more at the Getting to Zero Illinois blog.